Tuesday 10 May 2011


Morning all.. And I sure hope the weather is better where you are this morning as it's overcast and raining here.. Good excuse to craft though so I'm not giving a toot.. Lol

Last night I made a start on my 3D birdhouse so what better way to start today than by finishing it off.. The washing machine is working away in the background and the dishes are soaking.. I'm sure I can squeeze a little hoovering and ironing in later too between some projects.. Don't you just love rainy days.. I know I do..

Right I'm off to make a wee fresh coffee and back to my birdhouse I go.. Have a super day everyone and I'll be back later with something else.. Not sure what yet as I've got so many unfinished projects that I want to tackle this week.. May be a lucky dip.. Lol.

Have fun!

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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