Tuesday 24 May 2011

Our Hostess..

Here is our beautiful hostess Elena.. She doesn't normally have wine on her desk.. We took it as a gift so don't be thinking she's always on the tipple.. Lol.. This was just 1 of 2 delivery's that arrived today whilst we were there..

There is so much in the shop and I still have a good few pics to share but I've decided to keep those to myself for tonight and I'll start sharing them with you in the morning.. Don't want to overwhelm you with them all at the one time.. If you fancy popping in for a visit Elena can be found at..

Elena Costella Yarn and Fibre Studio
1-3 Main Street

On a final note.. Massive thanks to Elena for allowing us to invade her shop today.. We had an absolute ball.. Yvonne actually sat in the car knitting on our way home.. Lol.

Toodles for now.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

1 comment:

  1. Tell Yvonne that knitting in the car is a health and safety hazard, just imagine the damage that knitting needles could do when going over bumps and potholes!

    Take care,

    Carol x
