Thursday 26 May 2011

More gorgeous goodies

Good day to everyone and I hope your week is proving to be as good and productive as mine is.

Yesterday I poddled off to collect more gorgeous stash for my workshops at the Artstamps show in Edinburgh.. Had coffee and biscuits too of course lol.. Then picked up bits and bobs from supermarket and the remainder of the day was spent prepping.. Lots of measuring and cutting etc..

Today is going to be almost a duplicate of yesterday as there's more to collect and prep..

Before I go on my way though I thought I'd share some more pictures from Elena's studio that we went to visit on Tuesday.. There's 2 pics of buttons as she's got so many of them.. Lol. And I'll share more with you this evening again. Hope you all have a wonderful day as I know I'm going to.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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