Wednesday 18 May 2011

Lunch tin makeover

Well a very good late afternoon to you all.. lol.. was beginning to think I'd never actually get around to posting this project but I've made it at long last.. It's been what I call one of those chatty days.. lots of phone calls coming and going all day long and a special call also from my dear friend Kath Stewart.. which was way overdue may I add.. it's been so many months since we've had a good old natter and it was nice just to sit back and catch up.

So to get back to the job in hand.. this is a Maya Road Lunch tin that has been lying around the craft room for months now and I've finally gotten around to playing with it..  nothing too much as I didn't want to detract from the actual tin itself as I loved the effect.

Some Idea-ology embellishments for the front 

Some gorgeous ribbons (ink stained) tied around the handles  

Here is the overall finished appearance of my tin now...  hard to believe really that it was just a plain old tin before I started and with some inking and adornments it looks so different.  So pretty infact it think it will be for display only in my craft room... well I wouldn't want to damage it in anyway now would I.. lol.. and on that note I will bid you all farewell..  got a lot to get through tonight as I need to find a venue for a workshop event and also have to squeeze in some cards for a local church fund raising event.. 

Catch you all tomorrow again

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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  1. stunning tin matey...sorry if I held up your post but it was so good to catch up...hope to see you soon...big hugs kath xxx

  2. Stunning darling just stunning xxx

  3. WOW, WOW, WOW!!!!!


  4. So gorgeous Lorraine.

    Hugs Riet.xx
