Saturday 14 May 2011

Chill time..

Afternoon all and apologies for the lateness of the day before I'm posting but I've been trying to work out this picaso thingy so I can put signatures on my pics due to the volume of stuff being stolen from blogs lately.. So disgusting that people would stoop to such a low level never mind to then download them to disc and flog them for their own personal benefit..

Anyway.. I've taken a wee break just now but I will upload pics of hubby's birthday card later and to keep you going just now.. Here's one of my little bunnies called Buddy.. He's having a little chill time for himself as he's been running around like a mad man.. Lol

Hope you're all having a fab day.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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