Monday 23 May 2011

Base complete..

Morning all.. And I certainly hope your weather is a lot better than mine today.. It's horrible here.. Lots of rain and high winds.. Yuck..
So to start the day I thought I'd share the current transformation of the medicine cabinet.. It's now had 2 base coats of black paint and been allowed to dry overnight so it's ready for stage 2 to commence as soon as I have a minute.. Need to make sure all other chores and duties are completed first though as no doubt once I start, I won't want to stop again in a hurry.. Lol.

Lots on the agenda today as I need to catch up with the washing and I've got a few things to collect for workshops and some prep work to do too.. On a day like this though I'll be glad to be back indoors as quickly as possible.. It really is a right stonker outside.

With that said.. I'm off to make a start.. That means boiling the kettle for a cuppa..

Have a fun filled day everyone.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

1 comment:

  1. It's not very nice here either, no rain yet but very windy! Can't wait to see what you do with the medicine cabinet :)
    Hayley x
