Saturday 7 May 2011

Back home..

Evening all.. Got home about 40 mins ago after a very busy day at Craftworld and had my first sell out just after lunch time.. Well normal lunch time that is as I was so busy all day that lunch for me wasn't until after 3pm.. Lol..

To all those lovely people I spoke to today.. Thank you for coming along and saying hi and I hope you weren't completely penniless by the time you left.. Although I know for a fact that some of you were.. So you obviously had a good day out..

Even better.. I get to do it all tomorrow again but think it will be with different inks as all the ones I used today have also sold out.. And apologies for there being no pics today but I honestly just didn't get a chance to take any.. Sorry..

Right, I'm off now to have some dinner before I jump in the bath for a wee soak then will lie back on sofa and watch some tv..

Hope you've all had a fabby dabby day like me..

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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