Saturday 23 April 2011

Stunning John Byars stamps

Well these few wee pics are just a taste of the delicious goodies I got today at Craftworld to make samples for the craft event..

Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th May at Craftworld in Hillington.. Mega craft event with no less than 12 demonstrators.

So if you're free and fancy coming along to join in the fun either day then make sure you mark your diary off now.. I mean.. What better way to spend your day than surrounded by crafting madness.. Lol.

Right.. Off to put my feet up whilst hubby makes my tea.. Pasta and garlic bread.. May need to tell him my coffee needs topped up too.. Oh I'm naughty.. And I love it..

Hope you're all ready for the Easter bunny tomorrow..

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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