Saturday 23 April 2011

Decisions, decisions..

Morning all.. And sadly Mr Sunshine has decided to vacate the area today and Mr Rain has made an appearance instead.. I'm sure the garden will be very grateful as it must be feeling a little dehydrated by now.. Lol.

Anyway.. First up I can't believe it's only one week till the new Sincerely Yours show in Edinburgh.. Hope I'll see plenty of yours faces there so if you're going please let me know.. It's Ann Russell's birthday that day so would be nice if we could have a wee birthday lunch celebration or something for her..

Back to the present though and right now I'm facing the tough decision of which Tatty Button stamp to use as they're all so cute.. Only got an hour or so then I need to get ready to go collect my new stash for the following weekends demo days.. And seeing as I know what kind of things I'm collecting.. All I can say is YUM...

Guess I really should get moving.. so I'll say toodles for now and I'll get myself in motion.. Hope you all have a wonderful day..

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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