Saturday 16 April 2011

Bird feeder..

Morning all and can you believe it's the weekend yet again.. This year seems to be flying by..

Anyway, I managed to finish my bird feeder last night and all I need to do now is attach some chain to the top so I can hang it up and stick a nice juicy apple on the skewer and it will be ready for the wee birdies to feast on..

I've also got another one on the go but instead of the dark grungy look it's all nice and bright so I'm curious to see just how different they look.. Lol..

I'm also glad to report that wee Nicole is on the mend again.. I spoke to her last night and got a big cuddle too.. Such a darling.. She has had some kind of a bug as she was sick most of Thurs afternoon then finally fell asleep.. Yesterday however she did manage to walk to the local ice cream parlour for a slush puppy with her friend.. A sure sign that she is recovering.. Lol.

Guess I better sign off now as my friend Elaine is coming to visit with her 3 year old daughter Tia in half an hour and I'm in need of another coffee beforehand..

Hope you all have a wonderful day.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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1 comment:

  1. This is great, unusual idea, but looks fabbie, bet the birdies love something different like an apple..

    Huggies Angel
