Tuesday 1 March 2011

Today's inspiration...

Okay folks.. time to return to a bit of inspiration viewing today again... so here's your first lot of projects to cast your eyes upon today.... and I will apologise in advance for any bad spelling etc but my head is so bunged up at the moment you wouldn't believe it... so please do forgive me..

I will attempt to show 3 pictures per posting throughout various stages of the day today so you get to see everything that I did... even saying that.. it may still over flow till tomorrow.. lol... I do hope you are all enjoying seeing them and that they help to provide you all with some inspiration for future projects to try yourself.

Well that's your first lots of the day... so I'll pop off now and get some more scheduled for later on and please do pop back and see what the next lot of pictures holds.. and do remember to click the pictures for a closer view of the project itself..
Happy crafting
Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx


  1. Класс!!! Суперрр!!!

  2. All are beautiful, but first one is simply superb. Oh! I wish I had time.......
