Wednesday 16 March 2011

That's better..

Okay.. My work often depicts my mood and this is definitely one that shows it to it's full..

I'm defo starting to feel better this week and as you know I haven't been doing too much crafting over the last few weeks as I felt yuck.. There's not a lot to express with decopatch on a frame and yesterday I was following my previous course with my configuration box so today it's been about me and this is the result..

Can you see how it's pretty dark.. Well that's me getting rid of the stale stagnant feeling I've had and clearing my mind for more to come.. Now that's done and out of my system I can move forward onto something a little more fresh.. A bit like the outside temperature.. Lol.

Anyway, no matter how light or dark the finished effect the one thing that remains true are the gorgeous stamped images.. All are from the 'Words Like Honey' range available from Time To Sow.

So.. All that's left to say is bye bye.. Time to go get creative again.. And I'll be back again later.

Toodles for now my lovelies.

Lorraine xxx

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