Wednesday 30 March 2011

Soooo lazy...

Well a very good morning to you all even if it is almost lunch time.. Lol.

What a night.. Forced myself to go to bed at 2am.. Even though I was still wide awake.. What a waste of time that was.. 4.30am and I was still lying staring at the ceiling.. Lol.. Obviously drifted off eventually and when the alarm went off.. Not that I remember it.. But I must have just turned it off.. So.. 10.30am I eventually awoke.. Must admit I'm feeling the better of it now.

I'm currently restoring my energy but sitting back here with my feet up and have just made my 2nd coffee of the day.. Once that's done I'm off for a lie in the bathtub then I've got a pile of work to do.. Thankfully I feel like I'll whiz through it today.

So.. I'm off to finish my lazing around.. And my coffee too.. Be back with you all later on.

Have a wonderful crafty day.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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