Thursday 31 March 2011

Relaxing now..

By sitting on the sofa knitting a wee scarf.. Wonder just how many of these I will knit this year.. Perhaps I should take bets.. Lol.


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  1. I love this design. I wish I could knit too. *sigh* I think it'll look great when it'll be finished!

  2. Ooh so much to comments on, hope you don't mind me doing it all on one post. Firstly I love the colour yarn you are using for your scarf - looks gorgeous.
    Secondly, what is tissue tape? I haven't heard of it before.
    Thirdly, sounds like you have had a busy time with the decorating, and working and all while you have been poorly too - glad to see that you had your feet up in one of your posts!
    Take care luvvy xxx
