Sunday 20 March 2011

A little shabby..

Morning all and hope there's a little sunshine in your day.. We've got quite a dark sky heading in and even what we have just now is very cloudy but at least there's still a little sun peeking through.

Anyway, last night I managed to get 3 coats of paint on my shadow box, then sanded back and added another few dabs here and there to give it a shabby rusty look.. Now I need to decide what exactly I'm going to fill it with and at this moment in time.. I haven't got a clue.. Think I'll need to have a bit of a rummage later.. Lol.

Right now.. I'm off to have a wee cuppa..

Happy crafting all and hope you have a nice relaxing Sunday.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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