Wednesday 2 March 2011

Last of the finished projects...

Well folks... that's the last of the finished inspirational projects and as you can see.. it's finished off very nicely with a picture of Lin and Leandra's workshop area at the end of a very mad, hectic day for all who were in attendance.
A huge thanks has to go to everyone who was involved in making this event happen... it took months of planning, prepping and organising to get almost 300 people through the workshops. All I can say is... I hope there's another one organised for next year again... it could become my annual birthday present.. lol.
So.. now that you've shared in the projects we seen and made.. next up is a view of the goodies and purchased and brought home with me in what was a rather jam packed case... lol.. lesson learned on that one... make sure next time I do check in luggage and not just carry on... lol.
Happy crafting all
Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx