Monday 14 March 2011

Inspirational Blog

Afternoon folks, just little old me again and this time I wanted to share details of a beautiful inspiring blog with you all..
Every now and again we get to meet with people we've never encountered before and sometimes we just hit it off... well... that's what happened when I was on my Timmy adventure and not only did I meet a fab Scots lass but a very talented one at that too so I thought I'd introduce you all to her... the one and only...
Please do pop over and have a nosey around her blog which is filled with so many beautiful designs and certainly plenty of inspiration for all.
Right.. off now to schedule another post for later.
Catch you all soon.
Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx


  1. Totally agree Lorraine, one super talented lady !! Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog too xx

  2. Aww hun, I'm speechless, thank you for your kind words. Had an amazing time meeting up with you at Artsycrafts and sharing thee workshop with the man himself, hope it's not too long before we meet again. xx

  3. Fabulously talented all her work!! I've become a follower xx
