Tuesday 22 March 2011

Good morning..

Well the sun may not be shining today but that's no reason to sit on my bum and waste the day away.. And I do apologise for the lack of crafty creations lately.. Between being away from home for a few days, work and having been poorly, my house has fell to the background.. So I'm trying to get it all back up to scratch again.. Can't stand dust on my skirting boards.. Lol.

Managed to tackle the living room, wc, hallway, stairs and top landing yesterday.. All steam cleaned and even the cornicing was vacuumed.. Lol.. Today I'm tackling the kitchen!!! I could be some time with my steamer.. Lol

Also need to make a sympathy card today for a friend who's gran died last night.. My least favourite card as it always means someone is hurting inside..

Well.. I'm off to make a start, get the washing machine on etc and I promise I will try and get something posted later today.

Hope you're all having fun crafting rather than scrubbing like me.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear getting worried about you my friend.... housework.... does not seem good to me lol
    I am busy packing.....NEC here we come then Bda on Sunday xx
