Monday 7 March 2011

Day of rest.. Lol

Oh yeah.. I'm having a day of rest today in the hopes that I can get rid of this really stupid, irritating cough..

What a fab time I had working with Kay Rutter at the SECC.. Shame I didn't get a chance to demo the Hougie though but I couldn't stop coughing long enough.. And poor Kay had to listen to it non stop.. She did throw the odd sweetie my way, along with my Cavonia.. Lol.

I'm glad to say that Kay and most of the other traders have now made it home safely after long drives last night after the show finished.

Thank you Kay I had a wonderful time.

Will be back later with pics of the few goodies I bought but right now.. I'm off to put the kettle and washing machine on.. Lol

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

1 comment:

  1. Lorraine, glad the SECC went well. It sounds like you had a FAB time. I had my operation today and all I will say it was HORRENDOUS. I have a virtually non-existent pain threshold and I ended up having 5 lots of anaesthetic. The one in the roof of my mouth hurt about 10 times more than my last one with the dentist. The doctor was very good. The theatre nurse was brilliant. She could pre-empt all the equipment he needed and the only time he asked for something was for the filling to be made up. She was also good at looking after me, telling me when I could have a break, what was going to be done etc. She could see me struggling because of the CFS/ME and me getting tired but she was amazed how still I get. I was in the theatre 15 minutes from start to finish. I've been in bed most of the time since 1.00pm, not sleeping, just resting as the pain is bad. But hey ho it's over with and I've just got to keep my fingers crossed it is a success. Kym xxx
