Tuesday 22 March 2011

Craft survey

Evening all.. Well hubby has toddled off to bed now as his spondylitis is playing up real bad at the moment and I've just made myself a wee cuppa and sat down.. Thought I may do a wee bit of crafting, but just typical.. Everything is in the craft room and I'd end up disturbing the old man by putting lights on so guess the crafting will have to wait till tomorrow.. Lol.

So that leaves me sitting here watching tv and just thinking about all the different crafts out there.. What I've already done and what I've still got to try..

I know for sure that this year I'm going to learn how to knit properly.. For some reason I always end up with the wrong amount of stitches.. Too many or too little.. I never seem to be fussed.. Lol.. And the other thing I'm going to learn is how to crochet.

If any of you fancy telling me what your favourite craft is or what you'd like to learn in the future, I'd love to hear.. May even be something for me to add to my 'Learn how to do' list.. Lol.

Hope you're all having a fabulous week.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device


  1. I would love to be able to crochet properly too hun i can do the basics but my mum does gorgeous stuff and not a doily in sight lol. I would also love to learn moreof the parchment crafting. I do a bit, mostly the gridwork but would love to be able to emboss properly and learn to paint/colour them as well. There are more but those are the main ones

    Good luck with the knitting!!


    Amanda xx

  2. Hi Lorraine

    Card making is my favourite hobby - obviously LOL!!! But at the moment I am trying to learn to crochet, I thought I would be able to make some little flowers and doilies to used on my cards - it's not as easy as I thought though, but I will succeed, failure is not an option LOL!!!!

    Good luck with the knitting.


  3. Sewing.....I can sew, but I'd like to learn to do it properly & get proper use out of my sewing machine

  4. Well my favourite thing in crafting is of course rubber stamping - always has been and always will be.
    I would like to learn how to create digi stamps on my tablet just now - i know its not technically crafting but it leads to crafting - digi stamping !!

  5. Hi Lorraine, my favourite is probably cardmaking. But I do/have done lots of others. I learned to knit and sew at Primary school. My granny was an expert crocheter but I learned from my aunt (her daughter) after she died. My aunt doesn't crochet now - she's 94 - but she still knits for charity. I've also done cross stitch, tapestry, hardanger and embroidery. I'm rubbish at parchment craft - too clumsy lol! I can do dressmaking but choose not too as I hate sewing, especially hems and buttons. I've dabbled in jewellery making and I've done a wee bit again recently. Just a pity I have to go out to work!!

    Kat xx
