Thursday 3 February 2011

A very good morning..

Yes that's right folks.. It's a very good morning here in my household.. Had a pretty good sleep last night (only woke up twice) and I'm feeling pretty good.

It will be another day indoors as it's bbbrrrrrr outside and I don't want to get an infection in my socket.. Oh what a shame eh.. Lol.. How on earth will I manage to amuse myself today.. Hhhmmm

So.. Without further ado.. I'm off to get one or two cups of coffee in me whilst I have a wee thought over what to do with my time today...

Watch this space as I will be back later.. Hopefully on numerous occasions today infact.. Lol.

Happy crafting
Lorraine xxxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

1 comment:

  1. hi hunny , glad you slept better :) .
    look forward to seeing what you make later :) xx
