Thursday 17 February 2011

Thursday's stamps..

Afternoon all.. Well I've been a busy wee bee today.. All the housework is done, 3 loads of washing, floors mopped etc and been tending to my poorly bunny rabbit in between.. Oh also managed to sit down and have a wee cup of coffee with mum for a half hour.. Only thing left to do this afternoon is pop to Asda.. Yes yet again.. Thanks to dear darling hubby.. Lol.

Once I get back I'm gonna sit down and get on with some more samples seeing as I feel most of the day has already escaped me and I don't have a single bit to ink on me yet.. Lol..

So.. This is the stamp set I've decided upon today.. A bare tree.. A branch with leaves on it and some grassy foliage.. Oh I'm looking forward to this one.. Spring, summer, autumn and winter.. You can never go wrong with nature.

Stamps as you can see are from the 'Words Like Honey' range available from

Right, must dash.. So I'll catch you all later.

Happy crafting
Lorraine xxxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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