Wednesday 16 February 2011

Proud as punch

Well we've just heard some fantastic news from Brianna.. She's just received her letter of acceptance for Glasgow University for her Masters degree..

We're so proud of her achievements so far and that she is continuing to show such dedication to her education.

She's worked long and hard since she was 11 years old, including attending the RSAMD, singing with NYCOS and for the last few years has even been touring parts of the world singing with the University choir.

Being as I was one of those who didn't progress to further education it gives me such pleasure to see her focused on and heading towards her dreams.

Congratulations Brianna..


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  1. Congratulations to Brianna, I hope she thoroughly enjoys her time. It is so much easier to study when young, I didn't go to uni until I had had my first child and it is so much harder to juggle life. You and Rob must be so so proud of her.
    Kim xXx

  2. well thats great wish her all the best xx
