Friday 4 February 2011

Morning all..

Well it's a rather wet day here but thankfully the wind has died down so have to be grateful for small mercies.

I'm still moving at a bit of a slow pace.. Think the lack of sleep in catching up now.. Funny how when you don't sleep you go onto automatic pilot.. Then when you do get a sleep it all catches up.. Sooo strange.. Lol.

Anyway, my challenge to myself this week is to get all the cards done from the magazine so I can get them shipped off at the start of the week and then move on to the next load of samples that are on the agenda.. Woohoo.. This one still needs some gems but I'll add them to all the cards at the end..

So without further ado.. I will bid you all farewell for the moment and I'll be popping back on and off throughout the day.

Hope you all have a wonderful Friday.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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