Wednesday 2 February 2011

Morning all

I'm currently still snuggled on the sofa sipping on a wee cup of fresh coffee and wondering if this rain outside is going to be falling all day.

Good news.. Still not much swelling and no bruising yet.. Let's hope it stays that way.. Lol.. I am feeling a distinct lack of energy at the moment though.. At the moment, this could go either way.. A day snoozing on the sofa or maybe the caffeine will kick in and I'll be able to do a few wee things so long as it's not too energetic.. Lucky I've got some distress inks close to hand.. Lol..

Right, that's my morning update and I'm needing another cuppa so I'm off to fill the coffee cup.. No servants here just now.. Shocking.. So I'm having to do it all by myself.. Lol. Keep fingers crossed the caffeine kicks in and I'll make it back later with a wee creation or two.

Happy crafting all
Lorraine xxxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device


  1. so glad you have finally got rid of that pesky tooth....beautiful sunny day long will it last...hugs kath xxx

  2. hi hun,
    well hope you get lots of rest hunny x
