Friday 7 January 2011

Testing my new camera

Afternoon all... and what a change, I'm actually operating on the pc for a change... not done much of that over the festive season.. lol... but... hubby bought me a new wee practical digital camera for my christmas and these are just a few of the pics I took whilst playing around with it... the one above is of my messy desk which at this moment is even more messy... lol...

Testing the colour quality so got Rob to pause the tv for a moment whilst Avatar was playing..

My mum and her husband Eric... we're still educating him on how to smile... lol

Pressies under the tree...

Rob engrossed in his new PS3 game... lol...
Well... that's it from me for now... got a pile of work to get through and I'm running behind as I've spent a few hours working on Brianna's wedding folder... hot to trot now...
Catch ya all later
Love 'n' hugs

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