Thursday 20 January 2011

Stamp details

Afternoon all... seeing as I'm on the pc at the moment I thought I'd share the details of the stamps I used in this mornings project... I adore both of these sets, which as I said before are from the 'Words Like Honey' range available from Time To Sow... This top set contains the main feature on my tag and the set below contains the little butterflies I used also....

These are wonderfully clear stamps and I have never failed to create the perfect image.. first time.. every time.. they are wonderful done with embossing powders for a quick make but also to colour using your method of choice... Priced at only £8.50 each I think they are a wonderful investment for any crafter.
Well I hope you like the stamps and that you pop over to have a look at all the other delicious goodies they have available for purchase.
Toodles for now

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