Sunday 30 January 2011

Slow start..

Oh yeah.. As you can tell from the picture I'm having a slow start to the day.. Lay on sofa, big fluffy slippers etc, quite comfortable and not entirely convinced I'm going to be moving anywhere quick in the next hour or so.. Lol.

It was another bad sleep night.. Think I was awake about 5 times during the night and it was about 4am before the pain eased and then I managed to sleep for a couple of hours before I woke.. Woohoo.. I can tell you now that Tuesday is just not getting here quick enough for me.. Almost 3 weeks now suffering toothache and I must admit it's starting to get to me bad now.. Lack of sleep and pain is sucking the energy from me.. Does it not know I've got fun to have.. Lol.

Anyway, yesterday was a fun day at Ashby Designs.. Had my lovely friend Ann Russell with me so we had a good laugh during the journey.. Arrived to yummy cakes bought by my wonderful friend Lynsey and stolen by her daughter Ashleigh.. Lol. We had such a good day and even stopped for yummy lunch.. Chicken curry and fried rice!!! Roll on our next visit which will not be too far away.

So.. Now that I've babbled on.. My coffee cup is almost empty so I'm off for a wee top up.. Well I need a few cups in me before I even consider moving anywhere.. Lol.

Hope you all have a wonderful day planned.. As for me.. Haven't got a clue what the plan of action is yet.. :D

Ok, I'm gone.. Catch up with you later..

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device


  1. Lorraine, I can 100% sympathise with you. My appt has now come through for 14/2/11 for my tooth to be looked at. I did go to the Oral Department on Friday but the Secretary I needed wasn't in. I spent a good deal of Thursday and yesterday in bed. I did call NHS Direct as my hubby was at work and told me to go to A&E. NHS Direct have told me to contact the Department tomorrow as I have a weakened immune system and I am therefore being able to fit the possible infection still lurking. Not sure how I'll get on. Fingers crossed we both get sorted this week. Best wishes, Kym xxx

  2. hi hun,
    oh no sounds like you need tues here now :( . sounds like you had brill day hunny :) x
