Sunday 9 January 2011

Odd colour combo's

Well as you know I've been collecting data for Brianna's wedding folder which obviously includes details of the colour combo for her big day..

Now you will all know that I couldn't possibly share her details with you yet but I can say.. It's very, very, unusual what she has chosen...

So.. What's the strangest colour combo you have ever worked with??? I would love to hear and I'm sure that others would love to hear about it too... Well we do like to share don't we.. Lol.

Right, off to colour a few images before bedtime.. Going for a big day out tomorrow with my lovely crafting buddy Ann Russell.. The snow has stopped us for over a month now so it's time for us to play catch up with all the places we have to visit.. So looking forward to a lovely day with her. You could be seeing a few pics uploaded tomorrow... Lol..

Toodles for now
Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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