Friday 28 January 2011

Last minute..

Evening all.. Well I was out and about getting a few things done today and the plan was to finish sorting the craft room.. Then the phone rang.. My friend needed a last minute card so out came the ink & stamps.. Lol

So card completed and delivered.

Now I need to pop to the shop for some milk then back home to have some dinner.. I'm starving.

Hope you all have lots of lovely things planned for the weekend.. I'm starting mine with a trip to Ashby Designs in Musselburgh for a demo day.. Roll on tomorrow.. I've been promised coffee & cakes.. Yum.

Right my belly is now rumbling so toodles for now and I'll catch you all again later.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device


  1. I got this stamp for me but didnt have time to ink it up yet!!
    your card is adorable!!
