Saturday 22 January 2011


Morning all.. And look at the sight I saw when I opened the curtains this morning.. Now if that frost doesn't tell you it's chilly outside my front door today then I'm not sure what will.. Lol. Looks like it will be a big woolly jumper day again..

So what's planned for today.. If it were up to just me, it would be a day spent indoors crafting.. No doubt though my hubby will have alternative ideas... That tends to end up with me being dragged out the door into the cold and going somewhere.

Well I'm on the first coffee of the day, waiting for hubby to wake up as he said he's making pancakes for breakfast today.. Yummy.. Then I can get some pain killers in me too.. Had a rather restless night yet again with this stupid tooth.. So guess I'll sip away on my cuppa and see if I can squeeze in some crafting before I get dragged kicking and screaming from the house later on.

Hope you all have a wonderful day ahead.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

1 comment:

  1. hi hunny ,
    its bloodly cold here today and there no way i'm going out lol , well i hope you have a lovely day kicking and screaming lmao x
