Friday 31 December 2010

Well it's time..

That it is folks.. Time for the last minute scrub of the house, clearing it all away and putting everything in it's place before we bring in the New Year.

Old traditions die hard.. A clean house for a good year ahead.. A dirty house leads to a bad year ahead.. Opening doors to let out the old and welcome in the new... Not quite so much first footing with a lump of coal these days right enough.. Lol.

When I was young, I remember that every year my mum used to be like a mad woman doing all her decorating between christmas and new year.. Ceilings, skirting boards, walls.. They all got done and by the time Hogmanay came around she was trying to get the white spots of paint off the front piece of hair that her scarf didn't cover.. She looked like a right wee Mrs Mop so she did.. Lol.

Well.. Here's hoping it's a better year ahead for all.. Remember those we have loved and lost and look forward to the new who will enter our lives over the coming year.


Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device


  1. happy new year lorraine, hope you get a fab start to 2011, xxx

  2. Why oh why do we do it lol
    Me poor hands are chapped and sore I've scrubbed so much these past two days. It's not as if we don't do it regularly anyway but as you say Lorraine old habits die hard.
    Have a great New Year:)
    Anne x
