Sunday 19 December 2010

It's back!!!

OMG... Mr Snow has decided that it's been too long since his last visit so decided to call upon us again.. We have been so fortunate over the last few days and missed out but it obviously wasn't to last :(

This is the current view out my window just now.. Poor Rob has gone to the gym too.

Stay safe everyone.. Think I'll be having a wee day in the house.. Lol.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device


  1. We're the same here Lorraine.
    My poor hubby is on standby co-ordinating your gritters so he's been non stop since Friday and I can't see me seeing much of him till he's off next Friday. All the more time for crafting lol
    Anne x

  2. Yep, same here - it's been snowing off and on all afternoon. The thaw was too good to last. Still, our intrepid postmen got through with a parcel delivery which I had little hope of seeing until the next year :) Elizabeth x

  3. Gritters have been great here the last few days.. Roads have been done, pavements too and grit bins filled.. We were actually laughing at the pavement gritter this morning as the guy was zipping around.. I feel like giving them all a big wave when I see them.. But they may think I'm slightly cuckoo then... Lol... Tell hubby thank you so much as he's obviously doing a great job :). And it's much appreciated.

    Big hugs
    Lorraine xxx
