Wednesday 24 November 2010


Another late entry this week again from me... sorry about that... next weeks will probably be early as I'm getting my wisdom tooth out that day so no doubt be up half the night... lol... Anyway... what's lying around for this weeks WOYWW.... things have been flying out the door as quickly as they are finished around here so my desk actually had nothing on it this morning!!! so I decided to share some things with you instead. All decopatch... well I did just finish 4 days of workshops didn't I... lol.

Here's a close up of my little kitty... love these papers and he's still not quite finished yet... need to make him some eyes and a pretty bow to put around his neck.

A few days ago I showed you a picture of a plain gold picture frame... well here it is once it's been decopatched at one of the workshops... that was quite funny as I used the same papers on this as I did on my bangle so I ended up with a matching pair.. lol...

Finally here's a leaf bowl which I've done for my mum as her colour scheme is currently black and white.

I buy all my decopatch stuff from Damselfly Crafts in Glasgow and they also have an online website. Will try and do a tutorial on it in the next few days for those who have never tried it before.
As for last week... so sorry I didn't get to snoop but had rather a lot on the go.. a few questions were asked about things on my desk so just for you... here are the answers.
There was some concertina card on my desk and this is actually going to be made into a little christmas tree... A wonderful idea developed by Kay Rutter using the Hougie Board.
Also the little house I have on my desk is something I made using a kit a few months back.. if you have the time and patience to whizz through my blog you will find details of the kit which was purchased from Samuel Taylors.
Right, think I've rambled on enough now and got so many things to get through today again but I will be back later with some more goodies created using the Hougie Board.
Toodles for now and happy crafting one and all
Lorraine xxx


  1. Hi Lorraine
    i hope the dentist goes ok next week, gorgeous creations, luv the kitty,have great day, happy WOYWW, sue,x (16)

  2. Excellent. i love anything pusscat but I really like the colours on the frame and your mum will love the leaf bowl. (13)

  3. The frame is just gorgeous, love the rich colours of it.

    Maarit (96)

  4. I missed the workshop on decoupatch in our monthly club and all your work looks so good there.
    Good luck with the dentist! Thanks for the snoop,
    JoZarty x

  5. I love the decopatch effect - will look forward to a tutorial!

  6. Wow love what you have done - I have never heard of decopatch? Good luck at the dentist next week ~127

  7. Lovely to see your decoupatch - what great pieces. The stretching cat is such a fabulous shape. I've just finished a series of decoupatch hearts and frames, having picked up the paper at the Artisan show. It does get easier as you do more, but I'm still nowhere near as speedy as the demonstrator from the Decoupatch Place.

    Bernie #11

  8. Well you have got a busy desk here with lots of nice things to use. The cat is FAB. Thanks for sharing your workspace with us. Best wishes, Kym xxx (WOYWW No 42)
