Wednesday 17 November 2010


Boy... talk about being late joining in the fun... it's almost 3pm... unbelieveable and I'm only now taking pics of my desk for WOYWW.
Well I do have what appears to be a rather tidy and inactive desk today, but it's very far from the truth... the desk is busy bustling away with prep work making base cards so I can decorate them all at the one time... oh yeah... got a pile of card samples to make so my faithful Hougie Board has been in action today and whilst it's there, I'm simply creating all the bases, hence the pile of white cards to the side... it's a right wee production line that's on the go here today... lol.
Once they are all scored and folded it's onto the decoration part... then they will all be in the post by Monday at the latest.
Well... I've got a card to post now too so will bid you all a fond farewell and hope to catch up with you soon.
Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx


  1. Well at least there is daylight to see your desk with ;-)

    Sometimes productions lines are the only way to go! Can't wait to see the finished product!

    AmberInk is #3 on WOYWW this week :D

  2. Love it Lorraine TFS:) x

  3. wow nice tidy desk but oh by you have been busy,cant beleive you will have them all decorated and in post by go girl!
    Happy decorating ,have fab wednesday hugs judex#41

  4. Hi lorraine... busy bee there so we'll let you off being late... thanks for a peek,
    joZarty x

  5. Cor, glad I haven't got a hangover - that hougie board looks a violent colour in this light!

  6. Hope to see all those cards soon!!

  7. What's the little house? Is that something you've made? It's intriguing me :P

  8. Hi ya Lorraine
    very creative desk, fab coloured board, have good eve, happy WOYWW, sue, (29).x

  9. I'm intrigued - I can see strips of concertinad paper/card at the back and wonder what you are going to do with that :) Elizabeth

  10. ah you are in production line mode too....thanks for sharing your crafty desk today...big hugs kath xxx

  11. will we see the fruots of this production line? hope we do. Thanks for the snoop

  12. That's a really green, green thing! Love the little house on your desk too, did you make it?

    Brenda 92

  13. Certainly a busy desk here but lots of nice things have been brought out to play with. Thanks for sharing your workspace with us. Best wishes, Kym xxx (WOYWW No 34)
