Wednesday 10 November 2010


Well it's another week and time again for another WOYWW.... I know the clocks were put back an hour the other week but it feels a bit more like they were put back a whole week... don't you think. It's a very true saying... the older you get, the quicker times goes. The feeling is not helped right enough by the fact that autumn seems to have forgotten to make an appearance this year and we've headed straight into winter... it's dark around 4pm and this morning again... cars had to be scrapped... wonder how long it will be before the snow touches down here.

Anyway, my desk is certainly not the tidiest at the moment... I seem to just finish one job and head straight into another without stopping to clear up... there's a right old mish mash here from stamps and embossing powders to die cut and embellishments. Certainly not my most favourite way to work but hey ho... I'm getting through them and that's all that really matters... and I will get to relax a little next week so I can have a good old tidy up then.

Even the floor is being used just now... not enough space on the desk for the Hougie board, papers, card etc... at least it is in somewhat of a tidy pile at the moment... perhaps that's just because it's not been attacked yet this morning... lol... give it an hour or so and no doubt it will be strewn all over the place again.
Well... today's agenda consists of finishing some samples cards, housework, ironing, pluck the old eyebrows, pack demo kit etc and I've got a meeting at 6pm so want to be done and dusted before that so I can sit back and relax watching some tv tonight.
Hopefully I'll get time to pop by a few more of you over the coming week than what I've been able to over the last few... I miss not having my wee nosey... anyway, time to say toodles for now else my work will never get done. Hope you're all having a fab time hopping around everyone's crafty space and I'll be joining you in a few days so keep those pictures coming.
Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx


  1. Great work desk,thanks for the snoop!x
    Maria inkymits
    #84 (i think)

  2. Hey, the floor's a good a place as any, I make use of it all the time, although I like the desk to be clean, hate to find stray bits of glue or glitter stuck to the back of a card!

    Brenda 90

  3. Thanks for the peek!
    Sue #92

  4. Distress Inks and a cup of coffee . . . aaaah yes, ready to create *smiles*

  5. Lovely creative desk this week.OMG should see my floor well you can't!yours tidy compared to mine!Have great WOYWW.
    hugs jude ~##20

  6. Thats one very busy crafting space :-) I'm not a lover of the dark nights either so roll on spring :-)
    A x

  7. Ha, I've just pulled down the blind because it's raining,it's dark and it's blowing a gale out there this afternoon. I've been known to dump things on the floor for want of a better place too. Your desk looks really busy. Regards, Elizabeth #63

  8. what a great place to work. Lovely

  9. Ooh you're busy! And be still my heart - that tree stamp is one of the nicest..ever.

  10. Wow, snow? Here the sun is back. We might go swimming if we want to, lol. We'll probably spend Christmas on a beach this year

  11. Sounds like you pack a whole lot into a day Lorraine, no wonder the days go quickly... they go quickly for me too, but that's because I'm old!
    Chrissie #11

  12. What a busy but very productive looking desk. I'd certainly like to have a rummage!!! Thanks for sharing your workspace. Best wishes, Kym xxx (WOYWW No 36)

  13. You may be mega busy but you still find time to fit some crafting into your busy life. I know how it is when you don't clear up between jobs. That's me all over!
    Thanks for a late snoop,
    JoZarty x

  14. Hi Lorriane,

    It's bad enough that I am running nearly a week late, then I have been plagued with that pesky 503 error all night. Just wanted to drop in and let you know I was here this week. I use the floor a lot when I need extra space to dry my painted papers. Sometimes busy gets in the way of art. Just ask how I know.
