Sunday 24 October 2010

I just had to ink....

Well I picked up a lovely collection of christmas stamps yesterday from Elena of Heritage Rubber Stamps and although I can't make a start on samples until after the SECC.... I just had to get some ink on them... heaven forbid they lay dormant for a week... lol....
Wanted to share just a few of the fantastic images with you so gave these four a quick ink up with a Kaleidacolor pad and whooshed by Koi brush over them..... now I'm not too sure I should have done it as the mind is flowing with ideas and I have to store them all for another 7 days.... oh the pressure of it all.... I'm sure I'll survive and at least there will be no creative delays when I do get around to playing with them.
If you fancy getting your hands on any of these beauties, or infact anything else in the range simply pay a visit to the Heritage Rubber Stamps website.... oh and you best make a cuppa before you do... you could be on there for quite some time... lol...
Right, off to get ready now as I've got some Magnolia's to deliver back to their rightful owner..
Catch ya all laters
Lorraine xxx


  1. wow they are fab stamps and love the colours very autumnal x

  2. Wow! Fabulous effect, Lorraine, thanks for putting them up so quickly. I've sent you an email with a code for anyone who orders through your blog to get 10% off their order. You can add that to the next batch of your creations.

  3. Gorgeous effect, at least when you do it!

    Cazzy x
