Wednesday 1 September 2010


Can you believe it's not just another week gone by now... it's another whole month... into September now... let's hope we get some lush sunshine this month before mother nature attacks us with the rain and winds of autumn eh!
At least I've got a fab way of kicking off the start of the new month as it's Wednesday which means it's time once again for WOYWW. I was having a play last night with old Timmy boy and haven't gotten around to cleaning up and probably won't until later tonight... it's another dry day here and still got some things to do in the garden... well it is afterall very important to catch what little rays of sunshine we get this year... wouldn't you agree. Not entirely sure just how much I'll accomplish right enough as I only managed to get about 3 hours sleep last night so not exactly feeling full of energy at the moment... oh well... guess that's what happens when a**holes pee you off at 9pm.
That aside... it's time for me to make a move so I'll bid you all a very good morning... hope you're joining in with this weeks fun and I'll catch you all again soon.
Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx


  1. I really hope you have a fun day out in the sun and aren't suffering too much from your lack of Zzzzzzzs
    A x

  2. Mmm, you have some nice goodies there on your desk. I like the look of that piece with the butterflies on it, too - love seeing what everyone is doing! Hope you get to catch up on your sleep, it's very difficult I've found, once the hours start disappearing.

  3. Looks like you have been having fun I really have to play today

    Love Dawn xx

  4. Love those inked butterflies on your desk...lots going on - great...Have a fab WOYWW

  5. Lush sunshine here in South Wales today.
    Fab busy desk, looks like you've been having fun.

    Hope you catch a better nights sleep tonight.


  6. Looking good ... LOVE those stamps!

  7. Hi ya Lorraine
    yep sept already how scarey is that, lovely goodies on ya desk hun, luv them stamps,have great day, happy WOYWW, sue,x

  8. I live next to a pub so I know what you mean about a-holes late at night..... Love that 7Gypsies stamp plate I have that one and use it on almost every project LOL.... Thanks for the snoop

  9. I can relate to lack of sleep. Your lovely stamps have me intrigued. I love birds, so that must be why. Have a great WOYWW and fun in the sun.

  10. Lot's of lovely stash there Lorraine!! :D xxx

  11. Some gorgeous stamps there on your desk - would love to snoop, lol. Enjoy the garden while you can. Happy WOYWW! Cath x

  12. I agree with Linda, love the stamps!!

  13. Some lovely crafting has been going on there on your nice workspace. Hope you get some much needed rest to catch up tonight. thanks for the snoop,
    JoZarty x

  14. oh love the stamps on your desk,looks good love cheryl xx

  15. So what are you doing there with those 7gypsies stamps? Looks gorgeous. Like the colors.

  16. I do like the results of your playing with Tim, you need to do it more often! Hope the weather was good for your outside stuff.


  17. Hope you manage a better nights sleep tonight Lorraine, those stamps are gorgeous. Joey.x

  18. Lots of lovely stash there, enjoy your day in the sun!

  19. Great creative space there - love those stamps.

  20. Oohhhh a "Timmy Box" how cool is that!

  21. Hope you've caught up on your sleep gal. Lving the look of your desk - all those well used pieces of foam for inking - nice piece you're wrking on. Tell me, what;s the metal whisk in the back left pot for then?

  22. Love the current project!!!
