Wednesday 15 September 2010

Fun with Mica Mists...

Afternoon all... just had to share my fun experience with you as I've had so much fun with this little project.
I had found a piece of stampboard last week whilst clearing through my stash and got my hands on some gorgeous mica mists yesterday during my visit to Angela at Angel Crafts... hhhhmmmm the mind pondered upon what I could create and here is the final item...
What did I do... well first up I tore a piece of photocopy paper so that I could mask part of the board and sprayed the top of my board in teal and added just a hint of rose pink then set my heat gun on it... this was really fun watching it all mixing and moving around the board... once dry I then sprayed the bottom with mango crush... and when I set the heat gun on this it pulled a little of the teal in to give a slightly green hue to it... just what I needed for my mountain area. Once I had my stampboard dry I then pulled out my Words Like Honey mini tree images and stamped up with staz-on... to create the little bushy effects I simply used the top part of one of the tree stamps.

Not a lot was required for the project and it was very quick and fun to make into the bargain... watch out stampboard if there's any more of you lurking within my craft room... you're gonna get mica'd to pieces... lol
Right I'm off now to see what other mischief I can get myself into... not that much time though as I've got a meeting at 6pm and need to organise dinner before that too... oh I must run... my craft desk is calling to me... it's oh so lonely now that I'm on the computer.
Catch you all later...
Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx


  1. This is so wonderful Lorraine.

    Hugs Riet.x

  2. Oh Lorraine this is lovely I really love the effect of the mica and then the stamping really stands proud. With the way the mica has moved it gives the look that the tree is in the distance, wonderful.
    Kim xXx
