Saturday 28 August 2010

OMG... Yummy Duck Pond Kit....

Well Mr Postie arrived this morning with a normal looking brown box secured with brown parcel tape... Oh I was excited as I new what it contained (my kit from Duck Pond Crafts) but when I opened the box I got such a surprise... no goodies to be seen... that's because I had to unravel the gorgeous yellow tissue paper that it was all wrapped up in first... I was so shocked... can't remember the last time I received a parcel that was so beautifully presented... it certainly made me pay attention before I even got to unravel it... lol... then when I did... lots and lots of yummy goodies inside for me to pull out of the bag.. oh yes... forgot to say that the contents were also all contained within a big plastic bag so there was no rummaging around to make sure I had pulled everything out of the box before binning it. How wonderful !

There was so much contained within the parcel that I've had to break it down into several photo shots so I hope you don't mind... this first one here let's you see the 10 cards that you receive in the kit... 3 each of 3 different sizes plus 1 other of a different size again... all complete with envelopes... then there are some truly to die for papers by fancy pants and bazzill papers too... nice part I like about this is that all the hard colour combo work has been done for you in advance... all you need do is play.. no hunting around for matches.

Then comes the part we all love.... oh yes... the embellishments.... yummy, yummy... we all know that's the point in time when the saliva starts to flow that little bit quicker don't we..... lol
Well my photo just doesn't do it justice at all... but there is so much in here.... including a doillie, 4 strips of ribbon 18" in length, a full reel of ribbon from American Crafts, a beautiful glittered border from fancy pants, a gorgeous rose and leaves.. you still all with me here as I've still got a bit to go... then there is the die cut ducks and giraffes, a selection of buttons to go with your creations, 2 sparkly pins so you can look posh (lol), tons of dew drops in 3 different colours... think it's 24 of each so that's 72 drops in total and finally there are 2 of the most gorgeous charms... so gorgeous infact that I had to do a close up of them..

Here are my little buddy charms... ain't they just adorable... what's even better is that they are infact double sided charms... oh yes... no more not being able to use the charm because it's facing the wrong direction.... with these... you simply turn them around and voila... problem solved in an instance..
Phew... are you still all with me after that rather lengthy post... lol... can you tell I'm excited and really cannot wait to get my grubby little mitts on them to play away to my hearts content... and no doubt you will all get to see the finished creations when I post them on here at a later date..
Now it is Saturday, mega shopping to do with hubby so must bid you all a fond farewell for the moment being as the sooner I leave, the sooner I can return and dive into my new toys... hope you all have a fab day and I'll catch you all again soon.
Oh and remember if you fancy owning one of these delightful kits then pop over and drop an email to Karen here.
Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx


  1. wow looks brill hun, cant wait to see what you make :)

  2. Oh wow this really does look like a great kit, plenty to keep you busy for awhile.
    Kim xXx
