Saturday 31 July 2010

Under construction

A very late good evening to everyone... well it is almost tomorrow... and hope you've all had a super day.

I've been out and about most of the day with hubby and he's just retired to bed for the night for I can get stuck in to another wee bit of crafting... I try to spend most of my weekend time with him so normally only have mornings & very late evenings to play.

I'm quite enjoying playing with my wee townhouse as it's something a little different... Haven't decided exactly what it's going to be like upon completion as I'm just working away on it and seeing where I go ;-)

Well, I won't achieve much by sitting typing here will I... So I'll bid you all a fond farewell and catch up with you all again tomorrow.

Love 'n' Hugs
Lorraine xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

1 comment:

  1. your wee townhouse looks very interesting. I look forward to watching its progress. Hope you didnt stay up TOO late
