Thursday 8 July 2010

A little rest

Afternoon folks... and if it keeps going at the same rate as it has today it's gonna be tea time before I know it...
Jumped onto Facebook to catch up with some mail and been there for a few hours chatting away with friends from school and discovered my niece is going for her call back interview for her dream job this afternoon... so hope she gets it... she's worked so hard at uni and is simply wonderful... love her to bits so I do... only wish she lived closer.
Anyway... now that my playtime is done for the day it's time to move it along, get the house organised and then get back to work... you never know.. might even manage to complete a project that I can actually upload... lol
Well, hope you're all having a fab day and I'll be back again soon.
Toodles for now
Lorraine xxx

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