Friday 11 June 2010

Play time

Now did I or did I not tell you all that I was going to sit and have a little me time last night... well I did and here is the result of my play...
This is the first time I've really taken time to play with my distress inks the way that I should do and combined with some new stamps I bought last weekend, it was a very relaxing evening indeed.
I have to admit that the thing that probably amazes me the most is just how quickly these cards come together... a little bit of buffing on the card then some direct stamping and voila you're done... I could quite happily have a wee production line going if I were doing stuff like this all the time... lol
Well, just thought I'd share my newest creation with you all before I get myself off out to the shops for some food shopping then I may sit in the garden for a little while if it's not too windy.
Catch you all later & hope that your crafting is as enjoyable as mine is at the moment.
Lorraine xxx


  1. What a gorgeous card Lorraine.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  2. This is beautiful Lorraine, the colours really work with the bird in middle. It just shows what can be created when in the right frame of mind, love it.
    Kim xXx
