Tuesday 22 June 2010

How do folks

Well good afternoon, early evening, however you prefer to view this time of day.

Don't know bout anyone else but I sure can't say I've had a stressful day... More like madam lazy infact... Lol

As per the normal when I'm not quite myself, the old body needs tons of sleep... Hence, I think it was almost 11am before I awoke from the land of nod... Put a quick dye in my hair... Grey was becoming way too visible and then my Tesco delivery arrived so put all that away... Lo & behold that left me feeling exhausted so off for another sleep I went... After loading the washing machine right enough. Woke again for the 2nd time in one day and done dishes, hung out the washing, organised dinner & now I'm sitting out back in the sun (getting fresh air as the doctor ordered), waiting on my loaded potato skins to go ping from the oven.

Hope you're all enjoying the sunshine too... Have to sign off now as hubby just arrived home from the office.

Catch you all later
Lorraine xxx
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

1 comment:

  1. sorry you've been poorly....hope you are on the mend now...big hugs kath xxx
