Saturday 5 June 2010

Final buy of the day

A necessity this one so can't class it as a treat... Lol... It's now a basic requirement in the kit box :-)

Well, that's what I brought home with me folks so thought I better share.

All in all, had a lovely day, a good catch up with Gayle, some lovely homemade cupcakes which we both enjoyed enormously and bumped into some other buddies as well.

Right, the sun is starting to rapidly drop now so need to make the most of the final rays on my face before having to head indoors.

Catch you all tomorrow
Lorraine xxx
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device


  1. Sounds like a lovely day, and lovely for you to be able to be the other side of the stand for a change ;-) xx

  2. Hi Lorraine...sorry never got intouch chick...been in ma sick bed...blooming tonsilitis again :-(. Feel like the old body been hit with a sledgehammer..Had my train ticket bought for going to the show, super organised as usual..not been online not even had the strength to switch lappy on...up and on the go today coz I gotta make the samples got my friends wedding invites and she coming round this aft!! will be enlisting the help of Grant to stick them on like you had a great day and got some lush goodies...did you watch the hougie board demo's and how would you rate it chick...Ive just ordered one online (as if I need but that was on my must have to have some soup and then get cracking with samles...might just get them on my blog later if Im still awake...luv and hugs Jackie xx
