Friday 4 June 2010

Artstamps show

Well folks, it's been a day full of running around, zipping about here there & everywhere but I am looking forward to tomorrow now.

Due to pick Gayle up just after 9am so we can head up to the corn exchange for the artstamps show. A good chance to catch up and what a change for me to be able to just browse around. Hope I see something nice to buy.

Jackie, if you read this before heading off to the show then please send me an email so we can arrange to meet up. Even if it's in the morning I'll get it on my phone.

Well, off to feed my bunnies now and catch you all tomorrow again.

Toodles for now
Lorraine xxx
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow I'm going too as I live just doon the road as the crow fly's! Will say hi.
    Carol Ann xx
