Wednesday 19 May 2010


Well... It's obviously just one of those days...

Hard drive is now in the computer repair centre & won't get it back till some point tomorrow.

Rob's car has got a red warning light came on today!

Mum's away on holiday so I've had to go visit her husband to make sure he's had his medication and had something to eat and one of her friends died so need to sort a card & flowers on her behalf.

See... Told you it was one of those days, so sitting here right now having some hula hoops, a Fry's chocolate cream & a bottle of Limeade :-).

Thankfully all is not lost due to me having my phone so you may have to put up with some mobile posts just till I get my computer back. Something's better than nothing I guess.

Off to enjoy indulging in my snack... Lol

Toodles for now
Lorraine xxx
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device


  1. Oh never rains but it pours does it...hope I aint tempted fate wanted to check with you that you are still doing the demo at Burns and Harris next Thursday? I normally go to Dundee to supervise a contact on a Thursday and want to check what time you will be there at so that I can pop along and see you...hugs Jackie xx

  2. Oh no Lorraine you really are having a day of it. Hope all is sorted soon.
    Kim xXx
