Wednesday 26 May 2010

Run around...

Morning all.... I've defo got one of those mad days ahead... sure will sleep tonight by the time i get everything done.
Once I finish this posting, I'll be doing the mad run around tidy up of the house, then need to finish some more samples.. need to pick up train tickets from the station fo tomorrow's journey to Dundee (beautiful trip on the train you know), then need to take Eric (mum's husband) to the hospital for his appointment. Drop him off at home again then back here to finish more samples for Fri & Sat demo's at Ink Spot... iron clothes so I'm all organised, pack both demo kits, pluck eyebrows, paint nails... etc. etc. etc... lol
You may well see some samples popping up on my blog throughout the day now that I know how to mobile blog...
Toodles for now
Lorraine xxx

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