Sunday 2 May 2010

Candy giveaway No 9

Just a quickie folks as I'm trying to work between the kitchen making dinner, the garden pulling out dead plants and chopping down trees and also making samples so a little busy busy bee I am...
Anyway, here's another little giveaway for you to chance your luck with if you so desire... there is a set of stamps which came free in one of the craft magazines (never used) and also a pack of fabric flowers (never opened)...
I'm having to be rather ruthless at the moment as my craft room is simply way too over filled and I'm finding it pretty hard to find room for any new products which is never a good sign... too much buying and not enough making me thinks.... will need to see how I can resolve that problem... I need more time to craft... any chance of a 34 hour day instead of 24... lol
Well off to get on with all the other duties that await my attention but will catch you all in the morning again.
Oh almost forgot... to enter the giveaway...
1. You must have an active blog
2. Leave a comment on this post
Toodles for now
Lorraine xxx


  1. Amazing giveaway. Thank you for a chance.

  2. Hi
    Gorgeous stamps and lovely flowers. I missed the magazine when it came out and can't believe I have a chance to get my hands on them.
    Thank you

  3. Waw this is stunning candy, love it! Hope I win it! Hugs,Moni

  4. Very cute stamps! Of course, the flowers never enough!

  5. Such cute stamps and gorgeous flowers, thanks for the chance to win them. Hugs Christine x

  6. Sweeeeeeet stamps!!!! Beautiful flowers.
    Thanks Lorraine for the chance to win...

  7. Awe the stamps are so cute
    and love the flowers
    thanks for the chance hugs Nikki C

  8. Cute stamps & flowers! Thanks for the chance to win!

  9. Ooh two very nice looking items here, I'm sure the winner will be very happy.
    Kim xXx

  10. oh, flowers flowers...I love them!
    I hope to win some more!! hahahah
    Thanks for the chance Sweetie!
