Saturday 1 May 2010

Candy Giveaway No 8

Well... hello again folks and here is yet another candy giveaway for you to enter if you wish...this time around it's a selection of unmounted stamps which includes, a floral scroll, a love heart shape with a floral design, a 'best wishes' sentiment, a 'let's party' sentiment, a cute teddy holding a smaller teddy, a bunny rabbit and finally a flower. That's 7 stamps in total.
If you fancy a chance at winning these goodies then simply follow the rules...
1. You must have an active blog
2. Leave a comment on this posting
Winner will be announced on Wednesday 5th May
Not quite sure what hubby and I will get up to today as the weather here is a bit on the miserable side of life... heavy grey clouds filling the sky and not exactly what you would call mild... I'm sure we'll find something to keep us occupied though... Firstly I better get all my goodies packed up and in the post to yesterday's winners... don't want them waiting too long for Mr Postie to arrive do I...
Toodles for now and catch you all later.
Lorraine xxx


  1. WAw these stamps are gorgeous Lorraine. Love them! Hugs,moni

  2. OH, these stamps are gorgeous!
    I`d love to win those!
    Thanks for the chance!!

    Sending some sun on your way!!! (hehe)

  3. Love your stamps. Thanks for ginving me the chance to win.

    Hugs, Hilde

  4. Very cute stamps!

  5. These are just adorable
    thanks for the chance
    hugs Nikki C
